The main target group of the school are Master of Science students with background in quantum mechanics, atomic physics and an introductory lecture in particle physics. Advanced Bachelor of Science students or early PhD students might be eligible as well. In case of doubt, please contact your local contact person. Successfull participants of the school will receive 3 ECTS credits. School fees are 250,- Euro per person. They cover accomodation (incl. breakfast and dinner) and the cost of an excursion. Fees have to be tansfered after the selection is made and confirmed to the students. It is advisable to get in touch with the local contact person of the partner university/institution before the submission of an application in order to clarify details and options for further financial support, for example on options to cover travel expenses. Students with children are specifically encouraged to apply and to indicate this in their application. Daycare facilities are foreseen and will be provided. Applications in electronic form including a CV, a compilation of academic achievements and a letter of motivation are required for an application. Only students enrolled at one of the partner universities or institutes are eligible. The selection will be made by the international organisation team of the school, based on academic achievements, dedication to the topic, experience, and availability of places. Please submit your application here. The application deadline for the summer school 2015 was 15. May 2015. school poster 3 ECTS credits will be granted approach local contact in advance submission page The application deadline for the summer school in 2015 was defined to be 15. May 2015. deadline application procedure